↓Your COLD 92 RADIO Streaming Link ↓
Thank you for purchasing COLD 92 RADIO on Celeina Ann Official Website!The link above will give you unlimited streams of COLD 92 RADIO #04 till July 31st (one month from release date).
Enjoy and share your comments using #COLD92RADIO on your favorite social platforms!
Submit a message or a question to COLD 92 RADIO and get featured by Celeina in the next episode! email us at celeinaann.ucap@gmail.com.
Shortly, you will be receiving an email from celeinaann.ucap@gmail.com
confirming your payment. The email will include the same COLD 92 streaming link as above.
視聴ストリーミングリンクは私的再生の用途を限って販売されています。権利者に無断で複製・放送およびの第三者への譲渡並びに第三者の目に触れる場所へアップロードすることは違反行為です。streaming links are sold for personal use only. It is a violation to copy, broadcast, transfer to a third party, or upload the link or the program itself to a place visible to a third party without the permission of the right holder.